Portfolio & Curriculum Vitae

Welcome to my portfolio and Curriculum Vitae website. Here is information about me and a summary of various projects I have worked on.

Information Technology Enthusiast

I am someone who passionately learning about Information Technology. I graduated from vocational high school majoring in computer and network engineering, then continuing undergraduate education in informatics. I designed and developed my own Android app with developer name Neonusa on Google Playstore. Besides that, I also create short story content on YouTube. In the academic field, I have experience as a laboratory assistant for software engineering and computer programming courses and also attended several data science courses and bootcamps.

I will also provide my curriculum vitae in file format on this link Curriculum Vitae (currently i'm work on it), but if you want to see it directly here, you can continue scrolling down. Thank you in advance for your interest and visit.



Dicky Pratama

Someone who passionately learning about Information Technology. This is my account on app development, data science, and content creating platform where I showcase my projects as well.


Informatics Engineering

2020 - Present

Universitas Bengkulu

Data Science

Feb - Mar 2024

Binar Academy - Digital Talent Scholarship Kominfo

Computer & Network Engineering

2017 - 2020

SMK Negeri 1 Kota Bengkulu

Work Experience

Software Engineering Laboratory Assistant

August 2022 - December 2022

Universitas Bengkulu

  • Assist in class administration and reporting related to laboratory activities and provide progress reports to the lecturer.
  • Provide guidance to students on the use of software modelling tools.
  • Monitor the progress of practical projects being undertaken by students and Provide feedback and advice to improve the quality of project outcomes.

Computer & Programming Laboratory Assistant

March 2022 - August 2022

Universitas Bengkulu

  • Assist in class administration and reporting related to laboratory activities and provide progress reports to the lecturer.
  • Train students in the use of programming tools, Integrated Development Environments (IDEs), and related development software.
  • Provide guidance to students in understanding programming concepts. Assist students in completing programming assignments.
  • Assess and provide feedback on the code generated by students. Provide guidance in debugging or improving code.

Highlight Projects

The following are my highlight projects, if you are interested in seeing my other projects, you can directly visit my GitHub (Source Code), Kaggle (Data Science Portfolio), and Play Store (Android App Portfolio).

Hadits Arba'in

Android App that contains 42 selected hadiths accompanied by audio, explanations and bookmarks. This app has reached over 10,000 downloads on Play Store.

Thesis Title Maker Application

Android app that can produce Dr., Gin. research model canvas (RMC) from a thesis title based on input provided by the user. reached over 1000 downloads on Play Store

Twitter Sentiment Analysis with Bidirectional-LSTM

Perform sentiment analysis using bidirectional-LSTM. Produces a model with 76% accuracy with convergent graphs.

Highlight Certifications

The following are my highlight certifications, If you want to see more you can visit my LinkedIn.

Learning Android Jetpack Pro

This certification is obtained from completing advanced level Android Course Compiled by Google ATP on Dicoding Platform.

Learning Android Application Fundamental

This certification is obtained from completing intermediate level Android Course Compiled by Google ATP on Dicoding Platform.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) with Deep Learning

This certification is obtained from completing Natural Language Processing Course Compiled by BISA AI on its platform."